Behavior of transport made transport implementation more costful – Dar es Salaam

Just one week since i came back from Chile. A lot has been changed in Dar es salaam city. But that is not my point that i want to mention out now. My city with more that 2 million people. Apart from planning problem that leads to increased informal settlements, Dar es salaam is the […]
Trip to Santiago – Chile

For 5 days when I got a chance to go around Santiago, it was really new experience in South America. The first time to take a bus that allows me to sit and sleep. Yes, it is too much surprise especially when you have long legs like mines. The trip started at 21.00 giving me […]
Research paper -Chile

My second semester is here and i am supposed to write the research paper. In my mind and my heart, i like so much doing a research about mapping but in reality i want to see also the other issues that are impacting the community. I had a discussion with few professors about this, as […]
Dinner with the SPRING Professors (Universidad Austral de Chile )

Being outside from home

I though about it but i didn’t really thought i could experience being so different with all other around me. Different when you are only 5 people with dark skin colour from 163,150 people. Its amazing and makes me like more about me. But its also exhausting due to the fact that you get to […]
Learn Through Master’s Life

The first time i got the admission to study masters with the joint Universities in 2014 i thought its the chance to visit two countries in one study. Germany as the first compulsory first country and select the second country from Chile, Tanzania, Ghana and The Philippines. Of course i had to select another country […]
Rainy and Cold – Valdivia, Chile

Pictures from Msasani Bonde la Mpunga

Bonde la Mpunga is a Sub-ward that is located at Msasani ward in Dar es Salaam. Its settlements is partly formal and partly informal. It is the area where a lot of storm water drainage system has been blocked by the existing settlement (buildings), which lead a major characteristic of that area to be FLOODING. […]
This is what Tandale community want

Always Tandale community needs to be doing actions for their developments especially solving their community problems but they are failing due to different factors such as they lack equipments, they don’t have support from the government and other organizations, they don’t have knowledge to use technology and they are not heard. Tandale street mapping through […]

Tandale is a ward with the population of 71,250 (According to census 2002) and 6 sub-wards. In Tandale there are many people who do bussines in different sectors. Among of the businesses done in Tandale are Retail shops, Whole sale shops, Video library shops, Medical shops, Music library shops, ect. Businesses done in Tandale help […]