Tandale is a ward with the population of 71,250 (According to census 2002) and 6 sub-wards. In Tandale there are many people who do bussines in different sectors. Among of the businesses done in Tandale are Retail shops, Whole sale shops, Video library shops, Medical shops, Music library shops, ect. Businesses done in Tandale help the community to satisfy there normal lives (needs). Most of business people in Tandale are doing their businesses without knowledge of what they are doing, they just do business because they need to get money and develop their lives.
Today (19/06/2012) Madam Angeline Kombe who was the teacher by professional and she has just staffed from the Ministries of education and Mr. Ikangala who for this training was the teacher, and so with her own NGO volunteered to train the community of Tandale about Entrepreneurship so that it would help the community to develop their ideas and do their business in proper way. The training has involved different people such as woman, young people from street CAMPS, and individuals with small businesses.
In the training, the community highlighted different challenges that are facing them in their businesses.
One of them is lack of capital, where by many entrepreneurs in Tandale are willing and are able to do the business but the big challenge they face is lack the capital to start their businesses, so due to that many people doesn’t start businesses although they have many ideas of businesses.
Another thing is that many community lack entrepreneurship knowledge where they have small loans from different institutions (Banks) and they are will to do business but they fail because they don’t know how to develop ideas for the business and how to look for the market places (their customer) to sell the product of their businesses.
Also Tandale community are facing challenge of lack of market where by many people are willing to start the business but they afraid of where to get the market of what they will start.
The above three challenges are the main which was mentioned by the Tandale community but another challenges that they mentioned are such as there is no proper leadership for the groups for the camps, there is no good cooperation within the camps member.