Maputo (Bing Map 2016)

In 2011 i had a chance to participate on community mapping in one of my community Tandale.

This has been ever an experience i had in my life where i got to participate on something could help my community immediately after i have graduated my Degree from Ardhi University. Due to its potential and importance especially to the community, in 2015 ramani Tandale was scaled up for more than 36 wards aiming to create more resilience to the community through Ramani Huria

All this experiences made me learn everyday how necessary it is when it comes to help communities problems. Now i got another change to be a project adviser where i am required to share the experience i took in Ramani Tandale and Ramani Huria from Dar es salaam in Mozambique. This is such another experience to help mozambiaque community through mapping.

The reviewing of reports and meeting with Mozambique University, the municipalities planers and Bairro leaders, Mozambique is another place where just Maputo and Matola are surrounded by more than 80% which is informal settlements. As it is for many informal settlement in the world, these settlements has many issues for example accessibility problem, Flooding problem, eruption of diseases, lack of drainage system, etc. Howerver, throught the speaking with the municipality planer, there is no maps which helps them to plan their bairros.

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